“Verruca Pedis” are areas of viral infection on your skin.

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that causes verrucae also causes other common warts, so we often refer to them as Plantar Warts. There are many types of HPV virus and likewise verrucae come in all shapes and sizes. They are usually contagious and caught in wet, communal area such as swimming pools, gyms and public changing room. They can be painful, though this is not usually the case.

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verrucaes 1

It is recommended you see your Podiatrist before commencing with any home treatments.

Treatments available:

Cryosurgery – this is a proven and poplar treatment for verrucae using liquid nitrogen to freeze the infected area.

Caustics – we have a wide range of chemicals available including acid preparations.

Homeopathic – also available is an alternative approach using homeopathic remedies

Needling – we anaesthetise the whole foot and needle the verrucae. This activates the immune system and helps recognise the virus. Only one treatment is required. This treatment has the highest success rate compared to all other verrucae treatments.

Some important points to note:

  • Not all verrucae will respond to treatment
  • It is often the case that there is not a ‘best treatment’ and different treatments may have to be used.

Kent Foot & Ankle Clinic Cancellation Policy

 Patients will be charged in full for any appointment missed, cancelled or rescheduled without giving 24 hour notice.